Nursery & Reception tours available. Free gift to all.

How to apply


Our goal is to provide outstanding education and life changing opportunities for all our children. We are part of North Star Community Trust, established in 2010. North Star Community Trust currently runs four academies in North London, educating some 2,600 pupils.

We are an inclusive school and welcome all children and families to our diverse, vibrant community.

We hope you will find all the information you need to make a direct application to us on the links below.

If not, please give the school office a call. They will be very happy to help.

Wendy Bowstead, Head of Business and Administration.

The Trust is responsible for the admission of pupils into Kingfisher Hall Academy

Our main September intake for new pupils

An in-year admission is when you need to make an application to a school outside of the normal admissions round

Appeal against an application decision.